40th German-French Colloquium

The 2019 German-French Colloquium was entitled " Student Life and Europe: Social Responsibility, Engagement, Mobility" and took place in Strasbourg, France, from August 25 to 29, 2019, at the invitation of the Crous de Strasbourg.

How could the Crous in France and the STW in Germany - already structurally linked since 1959 - become precursors for a social European model in the field of student services? What are the implications of common European standards in management (dining services, housing, social support), in the right to study and in training for the further development of services for students?

What role do these services play in the construction of European universities? What influence do they have on the mobility of less privileged students and on their academic success? What is the European dimension of student services? What is the social dimension of student life in Europe?

The following topics were on the program of the colloquium:

  • Shaping student life and the use of social contributions.
  • International students: Is a historical priority on the agenda again? How can the reception of international students be improved and further developed?
  • Commitment of the Crous and STW to sustainable development.
  • Crous / STW and student commitment to Europe.
  • Innovations of the STW and Crous in the field of counseling, housing, dining services - European initiatives and goals.
  • The European student card - factor for more student mobility in Europe?

The 40th German-French Colloquium was organized with the kind support of the German-French Youth Office (DFJW) and the European Council for Student Affairs (ECStA).


For further information please contact the International Relations Office of the DSW: [email protected]