Social counselling offers

Often referred to as "general social counselling" in student services,these services serve the entire spectrum of social issues and target group-specific concerns.

Social counselling is always confidential. As a rule, it can take place anonymously and is free of charge. The counsellors are bound to professional secrecy. Most of the counselling takes place in individual sessions, during which partners and parents can also be present if necessary.

Many social counselling centres also offer lectures, information events and, in some cases, trade fairs.


Special counselling services

Increasingly, student services offer specialised counselling services for specific topics or target groups. These include:

  • Student finance counselling (for example, scholarship and loan counselling).
  • Counselling for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses
  • Counselling for students with children
  • Counselling for international students
  • Legal advice
  • Job placement

Target group

Social counselling is primarily aimed at students and prospective students. Depending on capacities and local conditions, other target groups may include parents, authorities, university staff, and students.